Below you will find some short excerpts from the journeys of some of the extraordinary men who come to the Union Mission. We celebrate their accomplishments and encourage them as they continue forward.
Union Mission Graduates

I came to the Mission after going through a divorce. The Union Mission gave me an opportunity to grieve, to heal, and to move on. Through their help, I was able to find employment, enroll in an on-line school, and to move into my own place. If it wasn't for them, I am not sure where I would've gone, but I'm sure it wouldn't have turned out this good.

My time at the Mission was truly a gift. It is apparent that the staff really care for us and push us to be the best we can possibly be. Because of them, I am now in a position to give back to the community. I work with other people experiencing crises, am a peer support, and have stability. I truly appreciate the work of the Union Mission and find myself occassionally referring other men to this great program!

My addiction was destroying my life and my health. I lost friends and family that I don't know if I'll ever get back. Coming to the Union Mission was the hardest and scariest thing I ever had to do. It turned out to be my salvation. Beacuse of their help, I was able to clean up my act and have been clean for over 13 months now. They taught me what I needed to do to be a man and to take control of my life. I really think they saved my life. I am doing very well now. I have a steady job, a great place to live, and am engaged to be married in 2015. I thank the Mission staff for all their advice and for helping me become a better person.

I always thought homeless shelters were for chumps. You know, those people who didn't want to do anything but take handouts and be taken care of. Boy was I surprised when I found myself having to knock on their door. From the moment they opened their place to me I was really surprised. Not only were they really nice, but the other guys living here were just like me, normal. Not only did the Mission help me to get things back in order in my life, but they gave me a better understanding about programs that help others and the people there. I would encourage everyone to come and see the other guys and the work of the Mission.

John and Jacob
Our living situation was not the best. I [John] stayed living in that mess [John and Jacob's mother was a physically abusive addict] until I could leave with Jacob. Once he was 18 we were out of there. I was working and Jacob was still in school and we didn't have a lot of money, but it was time to go. We came to the Union Mission and were surprised to be given a chance to rebuild our lives. Jacob continued to go to school and the Mission even helped him to enroll in the Community College after graduation. I had a chance to get a better job and find and apartment for Jacob and me. The Mission showed us that there are compassionate people in this world. We will always remember our time there.

​I was married for 17 years and found out the my wife was cheating on me. It broke me as a man. I had to come home to live with my parents and turned to alcohol to drown my pain. I tried two times to kill myself and my parents called the Mission because they were afraid for me. I went there and met a man who took time in the middle of their open house to come and talk to me. Dan really seemed to understand and helped me to start to grieve. The staff and counselors worked me over pretty good and I was able to begin to understand what happened. I am working now for a company out of Pittsburgh and was able to even start my own legit contracting business. I owe a lot to the Mission but what I remember most is feeling like they wanted to know me and to help me.